Upon arriving, we started slow in a sunny spot with no immediate action. He quickly became antsy and was asking what I brought for food

He followed that up with this shellcracker. It took some talking to get him to stick his thumb in it's mouth, but he did it! After a quick photo and release, he was already talking about heading home. I encouraged him to try a shady spot around the corner as our last stop and he oblidged.

Shortly after I landed this small bass and got him to hold it for a photo.

By now (~40 min in) he had totally lost interest and was digging through my tackle box asking about all the lures. I unexpectly hooked this nice bass on a bettlespin and tried to get him to reel it in. It proved to be too much for him to handle on my light spinning reel. So he played photographer instead.

A little finger blur and a chopped head, but overall not bad for a 3 yr old.

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