After tossing down some cinnamon rolls this morning we were off. First, a quick stop for some petrol for the beast. Then we hit the highway and headed south ... it was a little chilly this morning. The shot from the highway with his big grin is my favorite of this trip.

Pushed off around 10 am and little man did very well staying put in his seat and not standing up. Worms under a bobber near a few laydowns did the trick for him. Here are a few of the bluegill we caught.

I caught a few crappie on a bettlespin and then hooked up with my best fish of the day on the same bettlespin on the UL. Great fight! This is Holden's signature photography (finger blur)

Next I caught a small bullhead on that same bettlespin.

After some lunch, Holden was satisfied taking photos and playing with his paddle, so papa got out the baitcaster and I landed a few more bass. I got him to hold one of the bigger fish and release it. He said "it bit my finger".

One last stop at the crappie hole and it was time to call it quits. We tried to find a few crayfish in the rocky shallows, but had no luck. Great day with my son out on a beautiful Piedmont river.
Nothing better than a father-son fishing trip! My dad comes to visit in October and I can't wait to get out on some of the local waters with him.
Next up for me is fishing with my Brother. He's stoked to get into some of these local rivers.
Nice post, it will not be long and he will be outfishing you!
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